jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

I like this photograph, why?...

Hi, again:

This time i will talk to you about some photographs that i like. Photographs about a place call Chiloé.

Chiloé is located at south of Chile, in that place my father grew up and i lived my chilhood there.

All this picture were took it by my father, and show different places of Chiloé, specifically the “Isla de Quinchao”. The first photograph shows the tipical sky a moment before rain, and i love the rain because i grew up in the south where always rain. The second one is about the landscape that i always saw when i was young, i used to contemplating every time i could. And the last one is about the road and people who live there. The people always treated me so well even when they didn’t know me at all.

I am not quite sure when my father took this picture, but the things have not changed much there.

Chiloé is my second homeland after my born city (Osorno), that why is so important to me this pictures because is a piece of memory that i bring to me everytime that i want it, with just look at it.

See when i see you


sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Today i will talk to you about a career related website. As you know, i study Psychology and i really like my career, however i don't visit this kind of website too much. 
There is a website who has been very usefull on my two years in University, this is http://www.cybertesis.net/ . This is a Uchile website and contains full paper of several students of the University with different topics.
I know this website my first month in the University because i had to do a homework that required some research, my teacher at that time told me about this website and since then i use it every time that i need to do research for some paper or homework.
This website is very complete, it contains full paper about several topics, there are many about psychology and when i need to do some research about other stuffs this website can help me too.
OK, now i have to leave you. 
Good night and good luck

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

A piece of technology: my Ipod

Mi Ipod is very important for me because i really love to hear music on every place and anytime.
Mi Ipod was a birthday present around two years ago and is ones of the best present that i ever recevied.
I use it for listening music but also for playing games, however my headphones are in very bad conditions.
Lately i don't use it very often because my boyfriend need more than me. His days are very boring so the music make it more friendly, but on some occasion i really missed 'cause i don't sing very well and the people on the street have to listen to me and sometimes they seem not so friendly.
My life without my Ipod will be boring, so i try to buy me another, more modern and with more games for have more fun. YIPI!!!!!

See you when i see you.