jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience


Today i will talk to you about my blogging experience.

This is my first blog. I am not very addicted to the computer so i never thought of created one until i have to do one by force in this subjects.

I have to be honest, i don`t really like this blog thing.I don`t like have to write every week about something that i am not really interesting. When i have to do the blog at home i always forgot it. I not have the habit of write every week, I barely check my email every day, sometimes i am not check my e-mail on weekends and sometimes there are several importants messages.

But i have to say, It have to write every week, even i don`t like it, it’s help me to improve my english. Now i see mistakes that i am not realized that i committed. Especially in gramma.

I did not have a systematic learning throughout the school years. My first class in english was when i was 10 years old and the main activity was paint or decorated the copybook. The next year y had a very strict teacher in a school taught English from 6 years old, so i was very behind. Then when i was in secundary my teacher changed and she was a little bit lazy. So i learn watching movies o seen the news in english, for that my englis it very good in some areas and very deficient in others. That is why the blogging experience it help me to correct my mistakes.

The blogging clases are good because you have to sistematic practice the writing. But if you don’t watch and check your mistakes it doesn`t serves much. If you use the on-line translate for a Word its OK, but when you used for complete sentences or more, you don`t learn anything and that is very difficult to supervise by the teacher.

Well, that is all for today

See when i see you.

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

He started talking about three principal subject:
the evidence of the human creative
the impredictibility of the future
and the capacity of the children of create
He talk about how the publish educaction kill creativity because it punish the mistakes and for can create you have to be prepare to fail for you can create something new.
In the publish educaction the most importants subjects are Math an English, and mister Robinson ask to the audience the important of the art and dance for example.
He talks about the origins of the public education, and their goal was created people who can work, so the artist was a bad thing, the artist can live of the art, they have to work in a industry. And now the goal is enter to the University, it had a degree.
In conclusion, we have to change the public education perspective about the creativity, because if the school still kill it, the children will have not future

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My favourite subject


I kwow that i was absent this past two weeks, but now i’m back and today i`ll talk to you about my classes this semester.

As you know i’m study psychology, i’m in second year or my third semester. I have about six subjects. I have some subjects about the career, other about sport and this about english.

I think my favourite subject is psychopathology, because i’ve learn so much about my career, i’ve seen pacient with mental illness, so i have to seen face-to-face what i can and i cannot do as a future professional. It’s tough but also it’s exciting.

I ‘ve several teachers for this subject, about three, and they are all good, but with one we go to the mental institution and we seen pacient.

In generally, i’ve learn so much this year, i’ve learn about all the things that i can do as psychology, all the areas that i can dedicate when i’ll be a profesional, and that is very exciting.

See when i see you.